the students voted that the examinations should be boycotted 意味

  • 学生たちは試験はボイコットされるべきだと票決した


        voted for:    《be ~》可決{かけつ}される
        voted to:    《be ~》きっと~する
        meet parents of prospective students before entrance examinations to collect cash:    現金{げんきん}を受け取るために入学希望者{にゅうがく きぼうしゃ}の親と会う
        should:    should べし ねばならぬ
        should not:    should not 可からず べからず
        should of:    〈俗〉 ◆should of という書き方は文法的に正しくないが比較的よく用いられる
        dividend voted on:    _月_日に決定{けってい}した配当金{はいとうきん}◆通例複数形 dividends が用いられる。
        voted down:    《be ~》否決{ひけつ}される
        voted into office:    《be ~》当選{とうせん}する
        voted into power:    《be ~》政権{せいけん}として認められる
        voted mvp:    《be ~》MVP[最優秀選手{さいゆうしゅう せんしゅ}]に選ばれる
        voted nonconfidence:    《be ~》不信任される
        voted off:    《be ~》~によって投票{とうひょう}で締め出される
        certain to be voted down:    《be ~》否決{ひけつ}される見通しとなる
        expected to be voted down:    《be ~》否決{ひけつ}される見通{みとお}しになる


  1. "the students rushed pell-mell out of the classroom" 意味
  2. "the students should all be on an equal footing" 意味
  3. "the students study architectural design" 意味
  4. "the students unfailingly obeyed the teacher" 意味
  5. "the students walked two and three abreast" 意味
  6. "the students were assigned to rooms in the dormitory" 意味
  7. "the students were busily writing away" 意味
  8. "the students were denied a chance to voice their discontent" 意味
  9. "the students study architectural design" 意味
  10. "the students unfailingly obeyed the teacher" 意味
  11. "the students walked two and three abreast" 意味
  12. "the students were assigned to rooms in the dormitory" 意味

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